227.A - Tap and drill-bit sets

  • Each selection includes sets of 3 taps per dimension: taper, second and bottoming.
  • Selection Ref 227.SJ2A includes cobalt taps (Ref 227.S).
  • Supplied in metal box BT.228J2.


Depth [mm]Diameter [mm]Length L [mm]Height H [mm]Dimensions [mm]Weight [Kg]Drill Bits [mm]CONTENT SET []
227.J2A172.0M3 - M4 - M5 - M6 - M8 - M10 - M12105.057.0172 x 105 x 571.12,5 - 3,3 - 4,2 - 5,0 - 6,8 - 8,5 - 10,2 mm21 taps - 7 drill bits
227.SJ2A172.0M3 - M4 - M5 - M6 - M8 - M10 - M12105.057.0172 x 105 x 571.12,5 - 3,3 - 4,2 - 5,0 - 6,8 - 8,5 - 10,2 mm21 cobalt taps - 7 drill bits